Make a list of Sports and exercise from A-Z.
Can you think of one sport or exercise starting with each letter?
*We can’t find any common sports or exercise starting with ‘Q‘, ‘X‘, ‘Z‘ – so the best score is 23 letters:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, … R, S, T, U, V, W … Y …
When you have finished your list, you can check our list below.
How many did you get?
23 letters – You are a GENIUS!!
18-22 – Almost perfect!
14-17 – Fantastic
11-13 – Excellent
8-10 – Very good
6-7 – Not bad
Check your answers below
A | Aerobics American football | Archery Athletics |
B | Badminton Ballet Baseball Basketball | Beach volleyball Biathlon Bowling Boxing |
C | Cricket Cross country | Curling Cycling |
D | Dancing Darts | Discus Diving |
E | Equestrian | |
F | F1 (Motor racing) Fencing | Fishing Football |
G | Golf | Gymnastics |
H | Handball High jump | Hockey Horse racing |
I | Ice skating | Ice hockey |
J | Jogging | Judo |
K | Karate | Kayaking |
L | Lacrosse | Long jump |
M | Motor racing | Mountain biking |
N | Netball | |
O | Olympic sports ! | |
P | Pole vault | Polo |
Q | ... | |
R | Rock climbing Rowing | Rugby Running |
S | Sailing Skating Snooker Soccer Softball Squash | Stretching Swimming Sumo Surfing |
T | Table tennis Tennis Trampolining | Triathlon Triple jump |
U | Ultimate frisbee | |
V | Volleyball | |
W | Walking Water polo Water skiing | Weightlifting Wrestling Wakeboarding |
X | ... | |
Y | Yachting | Yoga |
Z | ... |