Eitaro asks Matthew about his plans for Golden week.

What are your plans for Golden Week Matthew?

I don’t have any plans for Golden Week this year, Eitaro san. I usually work!

Really? When do you visit your family in England?

I usually visit my family at Christmas. What are your plans for Golden Week?

Eiko and I are going to go to the UK for a week!

Excellent! Where are you going to stay?

We are going to stay in York!

I’m glad to hear that! York is a beautiful and interesting city.

We are really looking forward to it!

I hope you have a nice time!
True or False
The answers are at the bottom
1) Matthew is going to work during Golden Week.
2) Matthew usually visits his family in England in the Summer.
3) Eitaro and Eiko are going to stay in Japan for Golden Week.
4) York is a boring city.
1) True
2) False – Matthew usually visits his family at Christmas.
3) False – Eitaro and Eiko are going to go to the UK.
4) False – York is an interesting city.