‘Shrovetide’ and ‘Lent’ are important events for Christians.
Find out more about these events and special traditions by reading this short article.
Pancakes and the world’s biggest football game are featured!
Learn English Today!
‘Shrovetide’ and ‘Lent’ are important events for Christians.
Find out more about these events and special traditions by reading this short article.
Pancakes and the world’s biggest football game are featured!
This month we will look at the following two expressions:
1. at the crack of dawn
2. start the day off
Have a look at the examples. Can you make a sentence of your own?
Watch the One Point Lesson video and practice your pronunciation! This OPL is about the expression rubbish. Here’s an example sentence. Can you understand what it means? Please watch the video and check! My singing is rubbish! Everyone covers their ears when I sing a song at karaoke.