zip code
round trip
How well do you know British English?
Try this quick quiz before you continue…
zip code
round trip
How well do you know British English?
Try this quick quiz before you continue…
Example sentences:
American English: a motorcycle
British English: a motorbike
A: Did you come by car?
B: No, it was a nice day so I came on my motorbike today.
A: Would you like to get a motorbike one day?
B: No, not really. I don’t think I’d feel safe – and a car is much more comfortable.
American English: tic-tack-toe
British English: naughts and crosses
A: Do you know any simple games, I’m bored?
B: Naughts and crosses is easy. Do you have a pen and some paper?
A: My science teacher got really angry with me and my friend today.
B: Why, what did you do?
A: He caught us playing naughts and crosses on some paper.
B: I’m not surprised he got angry, you should’ve been studying!
American English: mail
British English: post
(*noun and verb)
A: Did we get any post today?
B: No. Are you expecting something?
A: Yes. I ordered a book off the internet. I thought it might come today.
A: Are you going near the post office today?
B: Yes, probably. Why?
A: Can you do me a favour and post this letter please?
B: Sure no problem.
American English: a zip code
British English: a postcode
A: Do you know the postcode for the English school?
B: I’ll check their website…Here it is: 320-0836.
A: Thanks. I can post their new year card now!
A: Do you know how I can find out postcodes?
B: Yes, I think you can go on the post office website and search for them.
A: Oh really? I didn’t know that. Thanks!
American English: a round trip
British English: a return ticket
A: Hello. Can I get a ticket on the 10:15 train to London please?
B: Sure. Is that a single or a return ticket.
A: Sorry, it’s a return ticket.
B: OK. That’ll be £32 please.
A: Have you seen this special offer?
B: ¥20,000 to Hawaii! That’s for a single ticket, right?
A: No, it’s for a return ticket!
B: I think we should go!